They are packages that brings support to extra features and libraries that are not available by default on the main compiler.It consists of Andoid Support Respository, Google Support Library, Play Services, Instant Apps SDK, GAPI debug, and several others. Some packages must be installed as they are required pcakges,others are recommended as it bring extra benefit and else are optional since not installing them don't affect core compilation.
They are packages that essentially needed for your daily Android app development.It consists of Compiler,Source,Platform Tools,Build Tools and optioanally System Images. You must install it as this is required packages. It contains sdkmanager CLI tools that manages other packages. We split them to several parts: Base Package: Android SDK ToolsĪndroid SDK Tools is the base package and is required to be setup first before anything else. Welcome Android Devs! This page provides you all Android SDK Packages for Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean API 17.
Android SDK 4.2.2 API 17 Jelly Bean Direct Download